It All Changed: 2

4 July 2012

It all changed when the breakfast was served past midday.

My wallet was gone. I know exactly where it dropped out of my pocket and stolen. It had no cash inside anyway. But it did have my only source of money. For five hours I ask everyone and look everywhere before I cancel the cards and break out the emergency cash in my bag.

It all changed again when the Danes ask me if I want a lift south. The emergency cash is kept safe even longer when Cory buys al the beer at a Swedish bar out on the street in hte golden late afternoon sun.

It could have ended there, but it ends even more nicely with tears of laughter on my part thanks to the very clever and hugely underestimated Christian with his stories from India. He was carries 60 kilometres onl to come across a wall of onions put up in protest.

All that had to be done was wake up at 6AM to meet Danes in reception at 6:30AM.